Inverness man charged with 10 counts of possession of child porn

John Warner, Inverness. (CCSO photo)

After receiving cyber tips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), Inverness resident John Warner was taken into custody for ten counts of possession of child pornography and one count of promoting the sexual performance of a child.

Detectives with the Citrus County Sheriff’s Office High Tech Crimes Unit received tips from NCMEC on Feb. 20 detailing the transfer of child pornography through an email account.

Following up with the investigation, detectives obtained a search warrant for the suspected email account, confirming the child pornography. This email account also contained information identifying the suspect, including family pictures, vacation videos, and legal documents.

On Aug. 6, detectives executed a search warrant at Warner’s home address of 9809 East Monica Court, Inverness. Once inside the residence, detectives seized all electronic and computer equipment. In an interview, Warner admitted to owning the email account and stated he would be in prison for the rest of his life.

“Having highly trained detectives working in coordination with national organizations such as NCMEC continues to benefit the citizens of Citrus County,” said Sheriff Mike Prendergast.

“Leveraging partnerships with local, state, and federal organizations is another way we are keeping Citrus County the safest community in Florida.”

Warner was transported to the Citrus County Detention Facility where his bond was set at $25,000.