June 15 Elder Abuse Awareness in Citrus County

The Citrus County Commission has proclaimed June 15 as 2019 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Citrus County.

All five commissioners signed the position, as an effort to show that older adults deserve to be treated with respect and dignity to enable them to serve as leaders, mentors,
volunteers and vital participating members of our communities;


The proclamation said that ageism and social isolation are major causes of elder abuse in the United States, and that recognizing that it is up to everyone, to ensure that proper social structures exist so people can retain community and social connections, reducing the likelihood of abuse; and also preventing abuse of older adults through maintaining and improving social supports. Those supports include senior centers, human services and transportation, all of which will allow everyone to continue to live as independently as possible and tp contribute to the life and vibrancy of our communities

The aim is also to encourage residents to engage in the efforts to put an end to abuse by engaging and empowering movement in the county.