Citrus County has named Steven Lachnicht, AICP, MPA as the new Assistant County Administrator.
Lachnicht was unanimously confirmed by the County Commission on July 23rd and began his new position on July 29.
Steve is a professional planner certified by the American Institute of Certified Planners with more than 25 years of experience in comprehensive planning and land development.
Steve is also a Certified Public Manager with more than 20 years of experience as a supervisor, manager and director.
Steve emphasizes collaboration as the most effective method to achieve consensus in addressing challenging community issues. In Alachua County, he led a large interdepartmental staff team that worked with the Commission and the community to implement major changes to Comprehensive Plan policies.
His education includes; a Master of Public Administration, Florida State University, a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies, Florida International University, and a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management from Florida International University.
Previous experience includes; Planning Director for the City of Palatka, Growth Management Director for Alachua County, Interim Budget Director for Alachua County, Principal Planner for Alachua County, Senior Planner for Martin County, and an early management career in the hospitality industry.
Steve is an avid runner and bicyclist, and enjoys exploring the numerous trails throughout the County. He can be reached at the Citrus County Administration office, 352-527-5210.