WASHINGTON, D.C. – Inverness Middle School teacher Rick Nelson, will attend one of two C-SPAN Educators’ Conferences for an immersive experience with C-SPAN’s educational resources.
Nelson, a social studies teacher, is one of 32 educators from across the nation selected to attend the middle school conference July 22-23.
The conference provides educators with the opportunity to explore C-SPAN Classroom’s free teaching resources, hear from guest speakers and learn how to search, clip and share videos from over 250,000 hours in C-SPAN’s Video Library. C-SPAN Classroom offers a variety of content on different topics, including public affairs, the branches of government, history and literature featured in short Current Events videos, Lesson Plans and Bell Ringers,
On This Day in History events, Constitution Clips and Classroom Deliberations. Attendees discover how to incorporate these resources into their curriculums and create engaged learning experiences for students.
Participants were selected by a panel of C-SPAN representatives and evaluated based on their commitment to learning new educational resources, applying them in the classroom environment and sharing their professional development experiences in their academic communities. C-SPAN provides roundtrip airfare, hotel accommodations and meals for the two days.
“This conference provides a hands-on experience for teachers to discover new tools to take back to the classroom, and we’re excited to see the innovative ways teachers will implement these resources,” said Craig McAndrew, C-SPAN Manager of Education Relations. “For over 20 years, C-SPAN has hosted Educators’ Conferences, and we look forward to meeting and working with this year’s participants.”
Conference attendees will hear from Founder and Executive Chairman Brian Lamb about the public affairs network. In addition, Steve Scully, C-SPAN Political Editor, will be the guest speaker at the conference dinner.
The Educators’ Conferences are sponsored by C-SPAN’s Education Foundation, a charitable organization created by C-SPAN. C-SPAN Classroom is an entity of C-SPAN, which is funded by America’s cable and satellite television companies. In Inverness, C-SPAN is available locally through Comcast.
About C-SPAN Classroom:
C-SPAN Classroom is the network’s FREE membership service that works with C-SPAN’s programs on public affairs, coverage of Congress, non-fiction books and American history to create free resources for teachers, students and the public to use in classrooms, projects or for research. C-SPAN Classroom’s website provides social studies teachers with access to thousands of free resources, including short current events videos, Lesson Plans and Bell Ringers, plus Constitution Clips and On This Day in History events. Follow C-SPAN Classroom on Twitter and Facebook:@CSPANClassroom.
About C-SPAN:
C-SPAN, the public affairs network providing Americans with unfiltered access to congressional proceedings, was created in 1979 as a public service by the cable television industry and is now wholly funded through fees paid by cable and satellite companies that provide C-SPAN programming. C-
SPAN connects with millions of Americans through its three commercial-free tv networks, C-SPAN Radio, the C-SPAN Radio App, C-SPAN.org and various social media platforms.
C-SPAN’s robust public affairs programming includes national and international public policy conversations; signature call-in programs such as its popular morning show Washington Journal; book and author discussions on C-SPAN2’s Book TV; a chronicle of America’s past on C-SPAN3’s American History TV and more. The network’s video-rich website contains over 250,000 hours of searchable and shareable content, archived since 1987 for educational and reporting purpose.
C-SPAN can be seen in the community at book fairs, social studies and teacher conferences, and historical events; visiting landmarks across the country with the C-SPAN Cities Tour; or bringing the 45-foot C-SPAN Bus to hundreds of schools nationwide. Learn more about C-SPAN at https://www.c-span.org/about/faq/. Engage with C-SPAN on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, and stay connected through weekly and daily newsletters.